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  1. kimi

    Last Names

    Hello Ladies... I've always wondered "what's in a surname?" So my question is this: which is your preference and why? A. Take hers B. Keep yours (she takes yours) C. No surname transfers or indifferent D. Adopt a neutral surname that isn't tied to either of you.
  2. kimi

    Excluding All Others

    This right here is a very important subject. There are some couples who practice this i.e. they expect their partners to unfriend, block or disassociate themselves with all their friends (friends they've had prior to the commencement of their relationship). There is something quite disturbing about this but for some reason, there is always a way for them to justify their action/request to their partners. What is your take on this issue and is there any suitable justification for this?
  3. kimi

    Calling Each Other Out

    Hello Ladies... This topic came to mind and I thought to share (as always. Lol). As imperfect beings, it is inevitable that we would be called out by our partners and vice versa on ocassion. As a matter of fact, it is healthy and crucial for the growth process in every relationships for each individual to feel free enough to correct the other. We all know, some don't do too well being corrected etc... So, imagine you had a partner who displays embarrassing or repulsive behaviour but who isn't willing to take correction. How would you handle it? What would you advise? Who knows, someone who needs this may be reading. Help save a relationship. ☻
  4. Hi everyone! 💕 Trust we're all doing well and keeping safe. It's been a jiffy (Meanwhile, brother Mark has bought Giphy as well). Besides the daily frustration of restricted movement and physical touch😪, I've been thinking a lot about Polyamory and I'll really love to hear your thoughts about it too☺️ First, Polyamory is simply a non-monogamous relationship where multiple romantic partners are involved. Okay, how does this differ from open relationships or polygamy, etc. Open relationships vs Polyamory - the former primarily has to do sex while the later involves forming actual romantic relationships with multiple partners with all partners being aware. Hmmm Polygamy/polyandry vs Polyamory - the difference here is marriage and choice of gender...lol There are so many other factors, rules, etc that are attached to such relationships but I'll stop here for now 😅 Before sharing your thoughts, please keep these in mind:😁 "We don't possess people, we experience them" - Nipsey Hussle Jealousy is a real and valid emotion. So, Would you be open to a Polyamorous relationship? Would you remain with your partner if they mentioned that they're PolyAm in the future? Have you met any PolyAms? Do you think it's possible to be in a romantic relationship with multiple people and fully commit to them? Also feel free to correct/add to the above, I'm still learning a lot about this🙂
  5. Hello Ladies, What's your take on audio love. Can you fall for someone you've never met/seen before?
  6. Hello Ladies, What's your take on audio love. Can you fall in love with someone you've never met/seen before?
  7. kimi

    Straight Talk - Sex

    What would you do if your partner is unable to satisfy you sexually? What options can couples explore who are faced with this.
  8. kimi

    From Ajimobi's Wife

    This article left me feeling a certain type of way. I just found several aspects of it weird. Or is this what being "oldschool" is all about? https://punchng.com/why-i-forgave-my-husband-when-he-cheated-twice-ajimobis-wife/?amp=1&__twitter_impression=true Let me know what you girls think.
  9. As a result of the stay-at-home directives issued by various governments all around the world, several countries have seen a rise in domestic abuse cases. One recent definition of domestic abuse caught my ears. It stood out for me because it goes beyond the traditional definition of domestic abuse. Here it is: when you feel the need to alter your behaviour out of fear that your partner may cause you harm -BBC In any case, I thought to share an excerpt from an article I happened to stumble upon. Please be safe in there. Warning Signs of Domestic Violence It’s not always easy to tell at the beginning of a relationship if it will become abusive. In fact, many abusive partners may seem absolutely perfectin the early stages of a relationship. Possessive and controlling behaviors don’t always appear overnight, but rather emerge and intensify as the relationship grows. Domestic violence doesn’t look the same in every relationship because every relationship is different. But one thing most abusive relationships have in common is that the abusive partner does many different kinds of things to have more power and control over their partner. Some of the signs of an abusive relationship include a partner who: Tells you that you can never do anything right Shows extreme jealousy of your friends and time spent away Keeps you or discourages you from seeing friends or family members Insults, demeans or shames you with put-downs Controls every penny spent in the household Takes your money or refuses to give you money for necessary expenses Looks at you or acts in ways that scare you Controls who you see, where you go, or what you do Prevents you from making your own decisions Tells you that you are a bad parent or threatens to harm or take away your children Prevents you from working or attending school Destroys your property or threatens to hurt or kill your pets Intimidates you with guns, knives or other weapons Pressures you to have sex when you don’t want to or do things sexually you’re not comfortable with Pressures you to use drugs or alcohol To read the full article: Source
  10. kimi

    How Easy Is It For You?

    Hi Ladies, Personally, I don't like to advise married people. Lol. Or those in committed heterosexual relationships. Largely because I have a zero tolerance for BS and my perspective isn't always popular. From experience, some women do take a lot and "shrink" themselves for the men in the relationship. To each her own. Now, a good friend of mine confided in me. She is clearly hurting -this broke my heart. As a disclaimer I told her that I'm in no position to give her any advice (she laughed.lol) and so I will simply lend a listening ear and point out to her the actions that I consider unfair on both sides. How willing are you to advise those in committed heterosexual relationships?
  11. kimi

    Getting Tested

    Hey girls, Happy May 29th. Lol. aka Inauguration day. So... would you ask your girl to get tested? If yes, at what point in your relationship would this be? If your asked you to go get tested, how would you feel about it. Is it something you appreciate or would you rather continue on in good faith?
  12. kimi

    Non-favourite Things

    A. What do you girls think about doing the things you hate (or are terrible at) for love? Are you of the opinion that one must stomach it and just do it for love? B. Is it fair to conclude that a partner who doesn't want to be stressed doesn't love enough? C. How would you handle this with your significant other if faced with a situation of being asked to do things you don't particularly enjoy?
  13. kimi

    Tales of Girlfriends Past

    Hello Ladies, What are your thoughts about telling your girlfriend about your previous relationships. Do you think it is something that should be shared or would you rather leave it in the past?
  14. kimi

    Whose Job Is It?

    Last night, I was having a conversation with the girlfriend. I was sulking. Lol. and she was trying to cheer me up. Lol. I was being a big baby at some point I must confess. Lol. I then tell her that it isn't her responsibility to make me happy or to manage my emotions for me. That I alone hold the power to choose whether or not I want to stay happy or dwell because after all, happiness is a choice. What are your thoughts about this girls?
  15. kimi

    Stages of Attraction

    Hi Girls, So, a few days ago, I came across this ad in my feeds and something struck! While the purpose of it was to help girls get the men of their dreams, I found it apt for our community as well. Check it out below. I've also gone ahead to do a summary from my perspective which I will share below the video. Instead of falling for the real person, you've fallen for an ideal. There are two ways to look at this. The first is go figure. That is; you've gone ahead to over fantasize and have built an entire personality and character for this person even when you've only been talking to them for a few weeks. You have fallen in love with the idea of them and have made them your ideal forgetting that as humans we are multi-faceted -bringing our backgrounds, experiences and plethora of habits along with us. The 2nd way to look at this is from the perspective of understanding that the fact that someone may have checked all your boxes means just that. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are the one for you. This is tricky I know because at what point do you really determine if this person is relationship material or she is simply friendship material. Your duty here is to decide for yourself what "extra" someone needs to possess in order to be considered relationship material. Standards This I believe ties into point 1 as well. Standards could very well be one of the reasons you decide to friend zone someone who has checked all of your boxes. It is very tempting I know to want to be with someone who gets you. But I also want you to not be short-sighted here. Imagine 2,3 years down the line, you would have wished you maintained your standards. Maintaing a relationship is hard enough, why complicate it with by being on board with someone who doesn't share the same values or standards as you? Lol. Nothing to write here. I'm not sure this applies to us or does it? Courtship. I think this is very self explanatory. It's so interesting how when we hit it off with someone and our next thoughts are how to jump into a relationship with them. I've been guilty of this as well in the past 🙄. Lessons learnt. Lol. Courtship is key... all that time inbetween is very very very crucial. It helps you to really get to know and understand the person in question. You are able to assess their responses or reactions across a diverse range of situations... it saves you from getting into a relationship that was bound to fail. Choosing unavailable women. Has she just come out of a bad relationship? Is she struggling with trust issues? Is she emotionally burnt out? Is she too in love with the idea of being single that sharing her life with another is too much of a chore? Is she in a relationship with another or is she in love with another who isn't You? Whatever the circumstances are, if you meet an unavailable woman, simply walk on and spare yourself a truck load of emotional stress and heart ache. I have decided to do this summary because after watching that ad, it dawned on me that perhaps a lot of the reasons why there are loads of short-lived relationships in our community is probably because we jump in too soon without first allowing time to really get to know and understand a potential love interest. Someone being gay or bi or trans shouldn't be the only criteria for determining whether or not to be romantically involved with them. Whew! Lol. Do share your thoughts as well...
  16. kimi

    Breaking Up on Val's Day

    The last time I heard this happen was in secondary/high school. Who are these people! Hahahaha. What are your thoughts about breaking it off a few weeks before valentine's? Have you ever been guilty of this?
  17. kimi

    Pressure Points

    Happy Sunday lovelies... So I was trying to analyse the different pressure points one can have when one is attracted to a woman. For some attractions, the feeling is centred in the chest -the core of you so to speak For some attractions, the feeling is felt at the pit of one's stomach For some other attractions, you feel it right in your groin. Hahaha. You are pretty much turned-on 24/7 either when around them or when speaking to them These are all the points that come to mind. If I have left any out, do share. Question: which have you felt and which do you reckon can be associated with love.
  18. So imagine that you meet a girl, you fall for her. She falls for you, you two start dating... your relationship progresses to you both meeting each other's closest friends and family... ...then, she starts to evolve. So for example, at the start of your relationship, she was very girly and that was the main point of attraction for you. 18months down the line, she's now tilting towards being more masculine by the day. Hair cuts, dressing etc... (and vice versa if your preference is the reverse of what has been described) What would you do. Will it matter to you?
  19. kimi

    Single Until Married Or...

    Hey Girls, What's your take about boundaries? A. Would you come-on to a girl who has a boyfriend but who you think could also be into you? B. Would you come-on to a girl who has a girlfriend? C. Do the same rules apply to A and B bearing in mind the inequality (in law) between the two (that is; heterosexuals can actually get married but non-formalized relationships are all most lesbians in Nigeria may ever have)? D. Would you walk away once you are aware that the girl you like is unavailable?
  20. Hi Girls, I have been meaning to do a piece on this subject without having to reinvent the wheel as there are a myriad of articles on the subject. I was going to research them, collate salient points and publish here but in a bid not to oversummarize the points, I figured It's best to redirect you all to the relevant sites... The phenomenon is more commonplace than we could ever imagine. So commonplace that sometimes the perpetrator could be you/me or was you/me at one point or another. I would encourage us all to read them. Our mental health is our strength and we must seek to guard it jealously. It's also important we understand how we may impact others negatively albeit unknowingly. Ignorance has and will never be a good enough excuse to cause another emotional pain. ...and remember, relationships don't hurt people. People do. Feel free to share your emotional abuse stories here or provide tips on how to pick yourselves up afterwards... The links: https://liveboldandbloom.com/02/relationships/signs-of-emotional-abuse https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5a999fbee4b0a0ba4ad31a4d/amp http://www.thelawofattraction.com/signs-emotional-abuse-relationship/ https://psychologenie.com/emotional-abuse-signs-symptoms.amp https://www.healthline.com/health/signs-of-mental-abuse#control-and-shame
  21. kimi

    Conversations: Sex Life

    Hey Ladies, A thought popped into my head and it got me wondering... here it is: If one partner did not like say penetration and the other did and would only be able to derive ultimate pleasure from it, what would your advise to them be? Compromise or respect eachother's preferences.
  22. kimi

    Pet Names 😗👭

    This thought came to mind and I thought the responses would make for a really iinteresting read. Lol. Do you subscribe to pet names? Which are your personal favourites?
  23. I decided to compare lesbian relationships rather than homosexual relationships since I am not very familiar with how gay relationships work. Basically, I noticed that in a lot of heterosexual relationships, forgiving offenses even as serious as cheating is normal. 'Water under the bridge' people say. It's normal to meet a couple who have been together for decades tell you of a time when either one of them had been physically manhandled by the other but 'he/ she has changed' comes the triumphant smile at the end. Lesbian relationships however seem to have a different story to tell. A minute argument could end a relationship. An unfounded, unconfirmed feeling of distrust could spell doom for a couple. Sometimes it seems like lesbians are looking to date angels while the heterosexuals are okay dating mortals with all their faults and all. In several heterosexual relationships, exes getting back together and eventually getting married is normal, while lesbians scream 'my vomit?! Me lick my vomit!?' The statistics also make me wonder, considering that finding 6-8year old lesbian relationships in Nigeria has become as tedious as searching for a black goat in the night with no light. What are your thoughts on this? Do we lesbians expect too much from our partners and our relationships?
  24. kimi

    The Boomerang Effect

    I've heard it said countless of times "if it's yours, it will come back to you". What are your thoughts about this as it relates to relationships and love?
  25. kimi

    How I Met Her Stories

    Hey ladies, I thought it would be rather interesting to have us share our (favourite) 'how I met her' stories here.
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