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  1. What's new in this club
  2. I'm intrigued by your thoughts about this. Quite correct... Done with your paper? It would be interesting to get a peek ☻
  3. RedSafire

    Afrocentric Content

    Yes! The first reaction is anger, but a deeper look and reflection reveals a much troubling past where Africa sold itself. Decolonization as a concept question the epistemology of race and racism. To talk about colonialism, as Africans we need to be bold to admit our dark history as well.
  4. I remember how angry the first few pages made me. Lol. I skipped through and would find time to read again
  5. RedSafire

    Afrocentric Content

    I am writing a paper on decolonization and this came in handy. Did anyone ever read this book? What resonated with you while reading?
  6. Lol. Look closely. There's a download button (downward pointing arrow) at the top right of the slide show. I downloaded mine.
  7. Althena

    Afrocentric Content

    889 PAGES! And you can't download, only read online. Ha, what time will we have to ticktock then?
  8. Brilliant find!! And a must read https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000065575 simply download if it's your type of book.
  9. By the way, if you are into academic papers or research, JSTOR.org is giving free access till June 30th. The implication is that you can read all that you want! Thank me later. Lol ☻👌🏽
  10. So, here's the first of many... I reckon that anyone who comes to this section is a reader and that naturally takes away the need to summarize literature etc... Enjoy! This is a good place to start as it gives a lot of insight into why African history only began to take flight much later rather than earlier. https://trafo.hypotheses.org/11518
  11. I couldn't think of a better place to host this subject. I am very passionate about Africa and African History and my passion has simply deepened over the years. By African, I also refer to those commonly referred to as Blacks and also those who have African as a prefix when filling the ethnicity section. I would use this space to share some content in the hope that it will evoke a strong sense of heritage. By and large, there is an identity crisis in the continent (or among Blacks in general) -one which we can ourselves correct if we know our history and by so doing discover our collective strength.
  12. Thank you for sharing... I would search the book out. How are you feeling/doing? Stay strong home girl. We are here xx
  13. A little story on how I got to read this book... I am sort of impulsive by nature (working on this, I promise, though it is haaaarrrrrd) and I was going to commit one last act of impulsion sometime last month (last year , if you like). I was unable to go through with it though. Could have been the desire to get to the root of the cause that perhaps stopped me or maybe I wasn't "courageous" enough to down its contents or... I had the mixture in a cup and held it for a long time; bringing it to my lips at certain intervals and having the sickly smell of its contents fill my nostrils. I imagined myself draining the contents in a single gulp and afterwards screaming for help: Make it stop! Please, make it stop. I equally imagined my insides being corroded by the acid and dying long before I was noticed. But I think I primarily wanted to understand all what these (gesturing around me) meant and ending things like that without giving it a try wasn't enough (yet). What I did next was to empty the contents out of the cup and got rid of the container. I got back inside, got my phone and chose to "look for a way". AnyBooks was my first choice and so I typed some words pertaining to mental health and Sue Klebold's book came up. It was tagged non-fiction and was about mental health. I read through the summary of what the book was about, I downloaded it and it became my first book for the year, 2020. Now, what is A Mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy all about? This is a mother's story of how she lost her son by murder-suicide. You see, in the book she expressed her shock and unbelief at the actions of her son: she didn't believe him capable of such violence, she didn't know he was greatly depressed. She might have been aware of the signs - no, she saw them - but she didn't think them to be danger signs of something malevolent to happen. She thought them to be common teenager problems that would go away but how wrong she was. After that tragic incident, she has given up her life to studying everything about mental health. All these she shares in her book and I highly recommend this book to everyone because a decline in mental health can happen to anyone. For me, going through those pages was very very challenging: I could see what I was going through, what I lacked and what I wished I had, in those pages. I almost stopped reading it. I even asked myself at a certain point why I was reading the book in the first place. What was I going to gain by torturing myself in this way?? But because of the resolution I made and the desire to know what Sue had discovered and her message to everyone, I persevered. I actually finished the book today, I didn't want to let it extend to February and I am thankful.
  14. Mimy

    Head Over Water

    @scarlet, what can you say on Becoming by Michelle Obama?
  15. kimi

    Head Over Water

    This excites my curiosity. I'd wait for your update lol.
  16. I have been doing female biographies (just finished reading Becoming by Michelle Obama) since May, and the ritual would be incomplete without Buchi's Head Over Water. I'm 2% in, and I just can't help but brace myself mentally because Buchi's books have a way of tearing you apart leaving you raging and fuming in pure agony. 🙁🙁 I'd be back to update when I am done reading. Whenever that is.
  17. Michelle

    Poop After Eating?

    Coffee gets my digestive system moving 😀
  18. Hahahahahahaha... mischief. I was curious is all. Lol. I needed answers 🙄
  19. Damiee

    Poop After Eating?

    What did you go searching for? 😊
  20. Loooool. Yes I do experience this sometimes 🙄
  21. Experiencing the gastrocolic reflex? 🤔😂
  22. Hahahahahaha jokes
  23. Txunamy

    Poop After Eating?

    Too much info indeed.. 😀😀 but very insightful. Now I know why some gay guys I know poop all the time..
  24. If that 👆🏽 refers to you, then this is for you. Lol. Otherwise it may be TMI? Not at all... it's a good read and you get to learn something new. I went searching. Lol. Don't ask what for... but I found it quite insightful. Read the article here 🙄
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