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Nigerian Lesbian Forum

NaijaLGBTQ+ - Open to Guests

Non members/Guests of the forum can post in this thread, but please note that all posts require approval. Interested in becoming a part of our community? Please review our forum registration process and click the 'Join' button to get started."

Welcome to the NaijaLGBTQ+ Open Forum

Dear Forum Guests and Members,

We are thrilled to welcome you to the NaijaLGBTQ+ Open Forum, a vibrant and inclusive space dedicated to fostering connections and conversations within the LGBTQ community in Nigeria. Our forum is a place for both members and guests to engage in meaningful dialogue across a wide range of topics.

Important Notice: While we strive to maintain a safe environment, please be aware that we cannot guarantee the security and identity verification of all posters in this section. We advise exercising caution in your online interactions. Please note that NaijaLGBTQ+ is not responsible for any exchanges that occur in this section.

Enhance Your Experience: Interested in more interactive features, such as direct messaging with members? We invite you to register and become a verified member of our community. To start your journey with us, please review our Forum Registration Process. We welcome female, lesbian, and bisexual individuals who are seeking a deeper engagement within the NaijaLGBTQ+ community.

Community Guidelines:

1.      Open Posting: This forum is accessible to everyone in the NaijaLGBTQ+ community.

2.      No Personal Contact Information: For your safety, sharing personal details in posts is prohibited.

3.      Respectful Interaction: We uphold a standard of respect and kindness. Abusive or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

4.      Moderator Approval: All posts are subject to review to ensure they align with our community values.

5.      Stay on Topic: Please ensure your contributions are relevant to the discussion.

6.      No Spam: We do not permit promotional content or spam.

7.      Report Concerns: If you encounter any issues, kindly inform our moderators.

By participating in our forum, you agree to these guidelines and our terms of service. We look forward to your valuable contributions and hope you find your time here both enriching and enjoyable.

Warm regards,

NL Admins

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  1. Gay man Need Advice

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