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Having Any Of These 7 Habits Will Ruin Your Relationship


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How would it be having dressed for a special occasion and dressed in a gorgeous white apparel, then you just noticed a stain in a not so conspicuous area of your cloth? What would you do in this case if the stain cannot be removed?



There are many things we often carry into our relationships and also habits which causes issues with our spouse/partner. No matter how good the foundation of your relationship is, whether it was ordained by

God, regardless of how loving or caring your spouse/partner is; there is one thing that could destroy your relationship and this is called habit.


Habits are easily formed over a long period of time when you do some things regularly. You may or not be conscious of it but others could notice it easily in you. Habits are detrimental to the success of any relationship. You may just need to work on yourself if you discover that people around you do complain of some things about you. This may not be as a result of envy or jealousy but others see us better than we see ourselves. Jesus even asked His disciples who others think He is. Have you taken time to evaluate yourself properly?


There are so many habits that could ruin relationships but I only want to share the few common ones. Everyone has a form of habit, whether good or bad that sticks closer to them than their hair strand. However, you need to do away with bad habits which others may detest in you just as you cannot put on a stained cloth. The common habits which people mostly exhibit in relationships are:



Most people have a measure of ego in them, whether male or female. A form of pride which sees itself to be better than others in one area or the other or not wanting to be ruled or corrected by others. An event of not wanting to take others opinions or ideas is a form of pride. Its not in all situations that your ideas must prevail over others. There's a problem if you cannot take to corrections or you'd always want your will to prevail. Moreso, some could also take pride in their status, wealth, name or family background. All of these should be taken out of your life if you don't want to pull down your relationship which might have cost you a lot to build.



Some people are trained liars, some inherit it while others tell lies naturally. Lies are falsified truth which are said to cover up something. Telling lies about your age, past or job doesn't help matters in your relationship. It is best you tell who you are than to be accepted for who you're not. Call a spade a spade. A man/lady that cannot accept your past does not deserve your future. Never use lies to cover up something you don't have or have wrongly done. It will expose you in the future. If lies could go for twenty years, one day, the truth will catch up with with. Just say the truth even if it hurts you or the person listening. It is better than to be labeled a liar. When a lie has been said once or more, it will be very difficult for trust to be built.



integrity, in a simple term is keeping to your words or promises. If some people greet you good morning, it is better to check out for confirmation because it may be midnight. Lack of integrity will make you a person of no good reputation. It is better not to make a promise than to break it. Don't promise to give a call, visit or a gift if you cannot fulfill it. It will affect your relationship and could bring up trust issues.



What are your fears or what do you fear the most? Fears are normal but abnormal when it becomes an attitude. Some people are afraid of heart break, infidelity, being cheated on, jilted or feared they might loose their lovers to the hands of other ladies/men. When you abhor fears, you will automatically attract those negative forces which you fear. This is one simple law of attraction. Instead of nursing your fears, it is much better to feed your faith.



Anybody can nag whether man or woman, once you are fond of complaining over a matter repeatedly. This habit will frustrate your spouse/partner once you have it and may lead to a sudden collapse of your relationship. Nagging can drive a person mad at times if they cannot control their mood. Many relationships have failed because of too much nagging by a partner. If you notice this habit in you, do away with it as quick as you can because your partner may not be able to tolerate it. Never complain over a matter repeatedly but find better ways to express your opinions without having to nag your spouse/partner.



For as long as the earth remains, man will never be a perfect creature. It is usually abnormal to expect much from your partner. Humans are not god without flaws, weakness or shortcomings. If you are a perfectionist, do not expect your partner to fit into the same measure as you do. If you expect much from your partner, be sure to be disappointed or heart broken. Never expect your partner to be perfect, know all or to have known everything about most things. Lower your expectations, not your standards so that you will not experience heartache.



The art of lovemaking is an experience that most inactive intimate people look forward to experience. It creates a bond of intimacy and pleasure for couples ,however; when it is excessively demanded or denied, it could lead to the collapse of a relationship.


Couples should not deny themselves sex in their marriage except for some medical conditions. Moreso, the urge should also be controlled. Those who lack self control are more prone to extramarital affairs when they can bear it at home. You need to learn the art of self control if you discover that you have an excessive urge for sex. Sex can be likened to be food but you cannot have it as a three square meal two-four-seven.


Habits can either make you or mar you. It has grave consequences on your relationship if it is a bad one. No matter how good your partner/relationship is, it cost your bad habit nothing to have it destroyed. You need to evaluate your life closely and check for those habits you think can be detrimental to the success of your relationship. You may not notice it but ask a good friend to observe you so as to put a check on it. Just as you cannot make do with stained clothes, habits should gradually be taken out of your life if you don't want your relationship to be ruined.


What other habits can negatively affect a relationship?




Meh i just read this and found it interesting to post.


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