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Rise Above......


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When I look at the world's map, all I see is divisions here and there, but we choose to call it countries and boundaries ...It seems like the more civilised we get, the harder it is to survive. you can say am naive about the truth ..but lies is all we live..

Sometimes I feel like a skateboard and life's got me rolling hard up and down the hills.. My flesh has grown weary, but my mind is full of horses..I could feel it pound at every thought.

Sometimes things don't always happen the way we plan it or want it to happen, but does that stop us from trying or at the very least giving it all our best? As a child I use to see life through some rose coloured glasses, but that's really unrealistic,that's living in fools paradise..The heart is what I call the most remarkable organ of the body, when i look at life through the left ventricle i feel very fortunate and lucky but through the right ventricle i see the challenges and struggles, that's to say I basically see life as a beautiful imperfection, I like the surprises that life gives because it humbles you, makes you think and see life in a different but positive way. That's is your approach and attitude towards life. Attitude is that little thing that makes a big difference. No matter what kind of struggles you are going through or you find yourself in, if your attitude is never never never give up, you stand a much better chance of succeeding. Be absolutely honest. .be true to yourself in any situation.

In some life changing decision, "surrender" is nothing but just an option! Is that the only decision you want to take? Is that the final decision at that moment? Why not think through our problems and find the other option and while at it, remember that it's not about our position but our disposition that makes us happy.There are people who have been in far worst situation but a positive attitude always create a positive result. We often don't know the profound effort of our decisions, we often times, go through life oblivious to what thoughts we are thinking and what actions we are taking, whatever we are passing through, no matter how difficult, every single decision we make shapes our current reality.


Have the courage to accept yourself as you really are, find that inner strength hiding some where deep inside you. When you do things that are not genuine or a reflection of the real you, you will not be happy with yourself and will end up confused. But when you are true to yourself, you unconsciously pave way for your individuality and uniqueness to shine through. You respect the opinion of others but do not conform to stereotypes or their expectations of you. Opinion of people can't take priority over your life..

I'm going to borrow a few quotes from one of my all time favourite author, Bernard Shaw "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them". And I for one,100% support that theory. I personally went through hell this past week of which the details are irrelevant for now and am a living testimony to this. Even though I failed to follow through some of my decisions, it hurts a lot but the bottom line which is the truth is that you are going to mess up at times when it comes to making decisions and instead of beating yourself up, why not learn from it.


Life challenges may throw you to the ground and stomps over you but you will never be broken. You may be physically, emotionally, and psychologically wounded, let those be your badge of courage, wisdom and experience. They shape you, define you, and makes you a stronger person. No one lives the straight and narrow path, and without life twists and turns, fall from grace we will be nothing bit a moving train.


Learn to rise above any challenges or obstacles in our path and to do that, the need to rise to the occasion and conquer them depend sorely on our own personal sense of determination and courage.


Rise above Hate, rise about Surrender, rise above Indecision, rise above Self Pity, rise above Ignorance, rise above Ego, rise above anything that deters you from from being a better person.

I ve come to terms with these or still struggling with a one or two but my only motivation and advice to all of us is ..irrespective of how insurmountable our situations or struggles are, let courage, happiness, inner strength and positive attitude be our focal point...

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