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6 signs you could be a highly sensitive person


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Culled from http://www.idealistrevolution.org/6-signs-you-could-be-a-highly-sensitive-person/


1. You were described as sensitive or shy as a child:


You were the kid who knew what somebody was about to say before they said it. You reacted strongly to changes in your environment. Maybe you were the one who paused to watch before jumping into the game. Aron emphasizes that while most HSPs have been labeled shy, a full 30 percent have not and would be described as extroverted. She notes that some observers, like Susan Cain in her best-selling book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, may really be talking about sensitivity when they discuss introversion. Being highly reactive to stimuli does not necessarily mean you don’t seek out crowds or new acquaintances, although it often does. The key underlying trait is sensitivity, not inhibition. Some HSPs are actually sensation-seekers — stimuli can bring them intense pleasure as well as discomfort.


2. You pick up subtleties in your environment:


The HSP’s brain processes information and reflects on it more deeply. One thing HSPs share is the tendency to notice things others might not pick up on so readily, like the mood of a teacher or the rearrangment of furniture in a room. An artificial sweetener might taste like a chemical experiment, and someone’s slightly off-key singing might sound like a fingernail on a chalkboard. HSPs might also have noticed a tendency to detect when someone is telling a lie, or intuit another person’s feelings.


***. You can easily become overwhelmed:


Too much intensity, chaos and noise can wreak havoc on an HSP, which is why they often work better in quiet environments. When they are able to concentrate, HSPs are excellent at work that requires deep thinking and fast turnover. But turn up the volume around them and ask them to do too many things at once and they become overloaded. If you’re the kind of person who feels the need to retreat by yourself after a trip or an outing with friends or a busy day, you might be an HSP. Part of managing life for an HSP (or somebody who is close to one) is understanding and respecting the need for extra time to regroup and making allowances for your particular work style.


4. You fall hard and fast:


Aron has devoted an entire book, The Highly Sensitive Person in Love, to the topic of HSPs and their style of loving. When they fall in love, they often feel tremendous ecstasy, and often very quickly, but they also feel anxiety, overstimulation and difficulty processing their intense emotions. Overstimulation and intensity can make intimacy difficult for HSPs, who are also the type of people who naturally seek it out. For HSPs, the risk of heartbreak and unhappy relationships is unfortunately higher than average, but understanding the trait and finding a partner who can be patient with it can increase the odds of success.


5. You are conscientious:


HSPs tend to be conscientious people who try hard to perform their duties well and execute their work at their very best level. They often have particularly good manners, and notice when others don’t. Rudeness and work that is full of errors drive them nuts. HSPs are often especially concerned with issues of social justice, and will fight hard to right wrongs in the world.


6. You have a vivid imagination:


HSPs are often very creative people. They have vivid dreams and can wander off into imaginary realms in their minds. They are also very empathetic and can imagine the thoughts and feelings of others. An interest in art, philosophy and spirituality is common. Carl Jung was one of the early psychologists most interested in HSPs (he used a different term), probably because he himself was one. He thought that people with “innate sensitivity,” as he put it, were more in touch with the unconscious mind and could be especially insightful.


If all of this sounds like you, you might just be a highly sensitive person, equipped with a temperament that requires special skills and knowledge to deal with. As I’m learning more about how this trait works



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So I read this article last night and decided that I'm a highly sensitive person... I can relate to 99.9%(I won't say 100%) of the article...

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This might interest you:


Many of the world's best connectors are introverts but most of the world's best networkers are extroverts.


Connectors > Networkers:

Networkers meet people and know a lot of people.  Connectors help other people meet each to their mutual benefit.  While both skills are important, connectors ultimately add a lot more value than networkers.


Introverts can be Connectors:

Being a good connector means you need to understand people.  That usually means you need to spend more time listening than speaking.  Introverts are not necessarily better listeners but they often spend more time alone which can mean they spend more time reflecting. 


Extroverted networkers thrive in conferences, cocktail parties, and big events.


Introverted connectors thrive on connecting people over email, small dinners, and one-on-one meetings.


Of course, there are many extroverted connectors and introverted networkers so always be wary of labels. 


Being a successful connector means proactively helping people.

Networkers are often meeting people for the networker's benefit.  Connectors usually meet people for the benefit of the person being met.  This is an important distinction. 


If you are lucky enough to meet with a connector, you often leave the meeting with at least one connection.  And the connection if done well can change someone's life -- so it is a very noble thing to do.





In Harvard business school, it's virtually a requirement to be an extrovert to be in (that school). It's all about teamwork! Not only is everything there done in teams, you're also expected to socialize every night after school. In effect, one is always in the company of other people. Introverts on the other hand do their best work alone, where it's quiet and they prefer to socialize in smaller groups or with one or two people at the same time.


Also, the brain chemistry of introverts and extroverts differ? It's all about Dopamine. Dopamine is a brain neurochemical that makes one feel up, happy, euphoric and energized when it's released. Apparently, extroverts don't have enough of it. It's released when we become stimulated and we become stimulated when we engage with other people, take physical risks, socialize, talk and party. In effect, extroverts are the way they are because they need to increase the levels of dopamine in their brain.


Introverts on the other hand have plenty of dopamine. They don't want too much more. They can actually become over stimulated if they do more of the above activities. An introvert can get a big dose of dopamine just by going grocery shopping, for heaven's sake, whereas an extrovert may need to go something more to get that bigger dopamine hit!


Introverts need to be more quiet. They are driven by the neurochemical acetylcholine, which is the calming hormone. Sitting quietly and reading a really good book helps an introvert get their acetylcholine hit. That can actually get their happy juices flowing.

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Good thing introverts are connectors, they'll just connect with the extroverts when they are out of business school and employ them in strategic positions in their company. ****Case Solved. Next.*****

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Good thing introverts are connectors, they'll just connect with the extroverts when they are out of business school and employ them in strategic positions in their company. ****Case Solved. Next.*****


I have a strategic place in my company waiting for you

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I have a strategic place in my company waiting for you

Really?? Tell me abt it...BTW if its in your PR section, you're on your own....

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Really?? Tell me abt it...BTW if its in your PR section, you're on your own....


No, its in marketing.. You like marketing don't you?

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No, its in marketing.. You like marketing don't you?

Now I can see that you've been possessed by my village step aunt....I have a hard time sharing church fliers! the easiest thing in the world, I dont have to say hello, I only have to stretch out my hands to the numerous people passing by and I have a hard time doing that! So me in marketing would be equal to a persons company crashing.

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