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If someone has a crush, would you go for it


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Are you good looking that you could attract as many people as you could imagine?


Really? Did someone got a crush on you? Sometimes this happens without you knowing it. Either you are too good looking in the eyes of the other person or you have something special that really attracted her to you — something that you or even she cannot explain. And it feels really good, isn’t it? Though flattering, it feels good to know that someone is attracted to you or has a crush on you because it could mean you have something special you are not even aware of.


The Confession


You were both introduced and become friends. Fast forward, the two of you became close. Then a friend told you your newly found friend has a crush on you and it became so obvious from the way she looks at you that indeed she has a crush on you, what would you do? Would you just swim into the deep blue sea?


Think a Million Times


Think before you leap or you could drown yourself into the wrong path. Play safe to protect yourself — emotionally. Not only for yourself, but the people who could be involved.


Here are some helpful tips:


Tip #1:


If you have a girlfriend, STOP and FORGET about it.


The reasons is simple. You have a girlfriend and that means you are no longer available. Otherwise, if you want to make yourself available despite having a girlfriend then you are just playing around with women, which could later on haunt you back later in years. If you really love your girlfriend then you should be very careful with her heart. Seal you heart only for her as women, in general, are too fragile when it comes to matters of the heart.


Tip #2:


If you are loveless — meaning you are not into a relationship then think of her as a prospect for the time being.


Here are the reasons why you should do this:


a. You really don’t know her yet. Isn’t it that you knew her only just a few weeks back? Don’t let yourself drown into desperation to have a girlfriend. Take her, for now, as a potential partner. It is best to get to know her first before you let your heart pour out into something uncertain. You will know when you have found one true love as your friendship grows into something deeper and really special. There is a lot to learn from each other out of that friendship. By learning comes the caring and anything that could go in between.


b. She may just be playing around. Don’t be fooled when someone says she has a crush on you. It is flattering, yes. But, it is better to be safe than feel sorry.


c. What she feels may just be temporary. It could be that what she feels towards you is just a temporary sort of attraction. A feeling of wanting that person all the time but fades with time.


First and foremost, ask yourself if she is right for you.


Tip #***:


Go for it if you don’t have a girlfriend and if you are also attracted to her.


You will feel it when the feelings are mutual. If the feeling is mutual then why wait too long when the timing is right?


Maybe you were just born with luck that you get attracted to someone who also happens to get attracted to you. This seldom happens to people. Some would even spend thousands to find the right partner for them.


“Strike while the iron is hot.” Why not let your feelings go with the flow and see where this may both led you. It is better to love and be loved than being not in love and be loved at all. Life is too short to not give it a try



Written by Jandi

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My colleague once had a crush on me; Not sure Why because she was in a relationship. i was invited to a party and she was there. she try to kissed me and i turned it down. I guess she had too much to drink. When we resume work Monday,she was embarrassed of the whole incident. Because of her behavior, some of my colleague thought we had an affairs... OMG, it felt so awkward working with her.

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@ diff, Am not really out but a few of my collegues know am into women. To be honest, I don't mix business and pleasure.Plus, I wasn't attracted to the girl in any way....lol

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@ diff, Am not really out but a few of my collegues know am into women. To be honest, I don't mix business and pleasure.Plus, I wasn't attracted to the girl in any way....lol


ℓ☺ℓ... I like that u dnt mix the two... It's usually tricky balancing both :)

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Most of the people I've had crushes on are co-workers of mine, big no no for me. So I never say anything.


Smart decision..... But what if one of your co-workers tells you the feelings is mutual would you date them.

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Smart decision..... But what if one of your co-workers tells you the feelings is mutual would you date them.


I had close friend (who was also gay) that I used to work with, people thought we were sleeping together, and suddenly I felt my private life was on display. People would make comments, ask really personal questions i.e who takes the strap?, African co-workers stopped talking to me (one of them told me in private that she was disappointed in me), and so on. I got over it but the answer is no, I wouldn't put myself through that again.

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I had close friend (who was also gay) that I used to work with, people thought we were sleeping together, and suddenly I felt my private life was on display. People would make comments, ask really personal questions i.e who takes the strap?, African co-workers stopped talking to me (one of them told me in private that she was disappointed in me), and so on. I got over it but the answer is no, I wouldn't put myself through that again.



Who takes the strap.... Really???? Who says that??? Where they being too judgmental because they knew you were gay or because they thought you were sleeping with the co-worker..... Either way is non of their business but that's Africans for you.... Am bit surprise they didn't throw religion and culture in your faces or say you too Americanise....lol

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I had close friend (who was also gay) that I used to work with, people thought we were sleeping together, and suddenly I felt my private life was on display. People would make comments, ask really personal questions i.e who takes the strap?, African co-workers stopped talking to me (one of them told me in private that she was disappointed in me), and so on. I got over it but the answer is no, I wouldn't put myself through that again.

I hate misconceptions like that. At least if u were dating her it wldnt hv felt as bad. Like a girl that knew I was bi once assumed I wrote stories about gay ppl because I was gay, so she wanted me to stop writing. Hw does writing about two guys make me attracted to girls?

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Most of the people I've had crushes on are co-workers of mine, big no no for me. So I never say anything.



To add to that, most of the people i have had crushes on are classmates. I avoid them because i don't want an awkward situation in class.

To the question : If someone had a crush on me and i feel the same way, i will go for it.


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Who takes the strap.... Really???? Who says that??? Where they being too judgmental because they knew you were gay or because they thought you were sleeping with the co-worker..... Either way is non of their business but that's Africans for you.... Am bit surprise they didn't throw religion and culture in your faces or say you too Americanise....lol


My perceived homosexuality was the issue, they had never treated me differently before that, and I am traditional with them because they were all older than me, so it wasn't because I disrespected any of them. My suspicions were confirmed when she confronted me and she said "I am disappointed in you because I heard you're gay and sleeping with.....".Of course, I denied sleeping with my friend, then she advised me to get a Nigerian boyfriend so that my friend wouldn't tempt me. I remember calling my girlfriend, and being so mad about it (even crying) because I felt so powerless.


So when people think the Nigerian lesbians here are "free" and "open", I find it funny. Although we don't have the threat of a prison term hanging over our heads, the "traditions" are still strong here.


I had to let a lot of my "African" friends go, because some of them were hostile to perception that I could be gay

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Who takes the strap.... Really???? Who says that??? Where they being too judgmental because they knew you were gay or because they thought you were sleeping with the co-worker..... Either way is non of their business but that's Africans for you.... Am bit surprise they didn't throw religion and culture in your faces or say you too Americanise....lol


My perceived homosexuality was the issue, they had never treated me differently before that, and I am traditional with them because they were all older than me, so it wasn't because I disrespected any of them. My suspicions were confirmed when she confronted me and she said "I am disappointed in you because I heard you're gay and sleeping with.....".Of course, I denied sleeping with my friend, then she advised me to get a Nigerian boyfriend so that my friend wouldn't tempt me. I remember calling my girlfriend, and being so mad about it (even crying) because I felt so powerless.


So when people think the Nigerian lesbians here are "free" and "open", I find it funny. Although we don't have the threat of a prison term hanging over our heads, the "traditions" are still strong here.


I had to let a lot of my "African" friends go, because some of them were hostile to perception that I could be gay

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I strongly belıeve that if people are more open to gay perception .. Our govt will have little or no objection to it.. But our country is totally ruled by majority .. Thus it makes it extremely difficult abate their selfish nd pretentious nature .


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My perceived homosexuality was the issue, they had never treated me differently before that, and I am traditional with them because they were all older than me, so it wasn't because I disrespected any of them. My suspicions were confirmed when she confronted me and she said "I am disappointed in you because I heard you're gay and sleeping with.....".Of course, I denied sleeping with my friend, then she advised me to get a Nigerian boyfriend so that my friend wouldn't tempt me. I remember calling my girlfriend, and being so mad about it (even crying) because I felt so powerless.


So when people think the Nigerian lesbians here are "free" and "open", I find it funny. Although we don't have the threat of a prison term hanging over our heads, the "traditions" are still strong here.


I had to let a lot of my "African" friends go, because some of them were hostile to perception that I could be gay


Classic and hilarious. Line got me laughing hard.

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  • 9 months later...

If i feel a lil' something for the supposed crush and I'm without a girlfriend,well yea,it makes the whole thing easy for me B) but it might not last...i love a woman being traditional though..i don't like easy,make me sweat to have you,then I'll love you forever..I'm a chaser

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