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Staying ahead of stress.


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“Stress is the underlying factor for major diseases killing mankind. Stress depletes energy levels. You find out that you cannot run as fast as you could or you can’t even sleep as long as you should or you are simply not as happy as you used to be with your wife or work.”


He notes that tiredness and weakness could be pointers to the fact that the body’s immunity level is low and needs to be spiked to help it fight diseases and infections which are very common in today’s increasingly polluted environment.


Medically, Fasawe recommends that such individuals should see their personal physician who would give the right medications and lifestyle advice on how best to fight stress.


He says to ensure that one enjoys the fruit of one’s labour, one must tackle stress and fatigue in all ways possible.


While boosters like alcohol and energy drinks may give temporary relief, the ultimate should be finding a real and lasting way to boost your energy level, experts on WebMD.com give some lifestyle tips to a more active you!


Eat your breakfast: There’s a reason it’s called the most important meal of the day. A good, nutritious breakfast gives you the energy you need to stay awake and alert. People who eat breakfast every morning report less fatigue and stress than people who skip breakfast.


High-fibre foods, like hot oatmeal, will stick with you longer than a sweet roll or pastry. As the day wears on, they will prevent you from getting hungry, which can also lead to low energy.


Do yoga: Yoga has many different health benefits, it’s a wonder everyone isn’t twisting themselves into pretzels to take advantage of them.


Some studies have found that the practice, which uses various postures and deep breathing for exercise and meditation, can be an excellent fatigue fighter.


Sing a tune: There’s a reason why it feels so good to sing in the shower. Singing gives you a kind of emotional high while it reduces levels of stress hormones in your body. So grab a hairbrush, put on your favourite song, and sing away.


If you’re at work and you don’t want to face your co-workers’ puzzled stares, you might want to save your vocal stylings for the car.


Drink more water: Your body needs fluid to function properly. Yet you’re constantly losing fluid every time you breathe, sweat, and use the bathroom. If you don’t replenish those liquids, you can become dehydrated, which can leave you feeling drained and fatigued.


You don’t necessarily have to follow the “eight glasses a day” rule, but you do want to drink enough water to keep your body well hydrated. You can tell you’re well hydrated when you don’t feel thirsty and your urine is light-coloured.


Try to get to the fridge or water cooler for a refill every few hours. The walk there will also help you wake up.


Go nuts: Eat a handful of almonds and peanuts, which are high in magnesium and folate (folic acid). These nutrients are essential for energy and cell production. A shortfall of these nutrients in your system can leave you feeling tired and weary.


Take the stairs: Exercise is a natural energy booster because whenever you do it, oxygen-rich blood surges through your body to your heart, muscles, and brain. Regularly squeezing a workout into your day — even if you can only spare 10 minutes at a time — will help keep your energy levels at their peak. Get up and move every chance you get, even if it’s just to pace around in circles while you’re talking on the phone.


Go under the sun: When you go outside on a sunny day, it’s amazing how quickly your outlook starts to change and your energy level improves. Research confirms that just a few minutes of walking outside on a warm, clear day enhances mood, memory, and the ability to absorb new information.


Going outside can even improve your self-esteem. If you absolutely can’t get out, open the shades and let some of that bright sunshine in.


Have a snack: Your brain needs fuel (otherwise known as glucose) to function at its best. When your blood sugar level drops, your mind will start running on fumes and will feel fuzzy as a result. So if you’re getting a little shaky and your head is starting to droop, eat a snack that will give you enough energy to take you through the rest of the afternoon.


Snacks that combine protein with slow-burning carbs are best for maintaining your blood sugar levels over the long-term.


Keep your friends: Emotions are surprisingly contagious. People who are constantly negative and down can sap your energy, while those who are always up and excited can give you a real lift. Stay away from energy vampires. Instead, surround yourself with friends who share similar goals and interests.



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